Gunnies Home Page

Submitted by kevin_smith on

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Welcome to the Australian Armourer's Association web site. 

We are a not-for-profit Organisation dedicated to supporting current and former Armament Fitters, Technicians, and Armament Officers of the Royal Australian Air Force, known as “Gunnies”, along with their family and friends.

The Association has the following objectives: 

  1. Honour the professional, cultural, and social history of Armourers & Families;
  2. Record and publish that history;
  3. Fund projects and undertakings that give furtherance to any of the objectives;
  4. Perpetuate the close and kindly ties of friendships through interaction between Armourers, family and friends;
  5. Provision and distribution of information and advice.

Please feel free to register below and review the site content.


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(last updated – 12 February 2025)


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NGR 25 - Stockton, NSW
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If you have any news items or stories, please send them to the AAA Webmaster. [email protected]

Gunnie Membership Fees are $10.00 a Year. Renewable on "St Barbara's Day"

Your yearly membership fees help maintain the AAA website, a key component of the Gunnie History, and helps cover association operating costs (insurance, web hosting etc).

To pay annual fees, please pay directly into the Australian Armourers Association account BSB: 642170; Account No: 100011481; To help us identify you and what you are paying for, please - Reference: {Your Name} and Fees


Next National Gunnies Reunion (NGR) 2025